We’re bringing the Techtonica demo back


Hello Groundbreakers.

We’ve heard you. We’re bringing the Techtonica demo back.

Here are the key details before we get into the meat of what we’re doing. First, the demo will go live in the next week-ish; we’ll be sure to update you here and on Discord. Second, the demo will not be updated as we focus on the main game.

Okay, here’s how we got here.

We launched the Techtonica demo immediately after the invite-only Alpha finished in September. The purpose of the demo was two-fold:

  • Open the Alpha experience up to everyone
  • Stand as our demo during Steam Next Fest

We left the demo up for an entire month after Next Fest, but the plan was always to remove the demo once the Steam festival ended.

The demo does have its bugs and performance issues. Moreover, every day, the demo gets less and less like the game that will launch into Early Access in 2023. Eventually, the demo won’t represent what players will get when they buy the game.

The demo returns next week.

With all of that said, we’ve heard folks would rather have the snapshot, unsupported demo than nothing at all. So, we’re making minor changes (like removing the references to Next Fest) and relaunching the demo for free on Steam next week.

Remember, we won’t be updating the demo at all. We’re focused on building the Early Access version of Techtonica, and we don’t want to spare the developer time to update the demo.

Because the demo is getting less and less like the actual game every day, we plan to remove it once we get close to launch (probably within the month of launch). We don’t want players to download the demo and think that’s the version of Techtonica they can expect at release. The Early Access version of the game features more polish and more content.

Thank you for being such a great community. We wouldn’t have reached this decision without your feedback.

See you on Calyx!

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