Greetings, Groundbreakers! We’re thrilled to share that we’ve officially narrowed the release window for Techtonica
Techtonica will launch into Early Access in Summer 2023.

What are we working on right now?
Now that we’ve narrowed our Early Access release window down to this summer, we’re only a few months away from getting Techtonica 0.1 in your hands.
The focus right now for the bulk of our small studio is on performance enhancements. We’re working to lower the minimum required specs as much as we can for Techtonica ahead of launch, and that includes adding behind-the-scenes tech like the occlusion culling we described in last week’s update.
While we’re essentially content locked for 0.1, there are a few surprises that we’re polishing up for our Early Access launch, too. We’ll save those for later, so stay tuned.

What’s coming after the 0.1 launch?
The bulk of our tech team’s working on optimization for 0.1. But, we have artists and designers hard at work on what’s next. We’re not ready to reveal that quite yet, but we have plans to start showcasing what’s coming soon.
Techtonica’s Early Access launch comes first.
We have years of content planned for Techtonica. A lot can and will change over the course of development, so we’re not ready to share what we have planned for the far-off future.
The near-term stuff, though? We’ll publish a roadmap in the weeks ahead of Early Access launch that offers cursory details for what’s coming in the near future, such as milestone updates (0.2, 0.3, etc.).
Until then, thanks for reading, Groundbreakers. We can’t wait until your adventures below the surface of Calyx begin this summer.
Want to chat about the trailer and release window? Have questions for the devs? Join our discord.
Techtonica hits Early Access this summer.