Techtonica v0.2.2 is here – the Cozy Plant Pack!

Hello, Groundbreakers, The Cozy Plants Update Pack is here! Transform your factory into a lush oasis with 9 unique wall and ceiling plants. This plantastic update adds vibrant colors and lets your creativity blossom. Warning, there are a lot of puns in this. Sorry, not sorry? Behold… the magic of plants. The Cozy Plant Update […]
Techtonica is going vertical in v0.3

As we approach the v0.3 launch, we’re delving into some of the new features on the horizon. Today, we’ll explore Vertical Belts and the new Quick Copy feature. As a reminder, here’s a brief overview of what’s coming in v0.3: So let’s dive in! Techtonica is going verticalBrace yourselves, Groundbreakers, because Vertical Belts are about […]