Now that v0.3 has been launched, it’s time for a roadmap update! We’re gonna dive in to chat about all the new updates and content coming to Techtonica, but first, the roadmap.

First, let’s chat about the two new updates on the roadmap!
Super Sandbox
This one is a big one, so let’s break down some of the featured items!
New Game Modes
We’re adding 6 new game modes to Techtonica, including Sandbox Mode and Hardcore Mode. In Sandbox Mode, all handcrafting is free, meaning you can build the factory of your dreams without needing any resources at all.
In Hardcore Mode, everything is, well, harder. It’s like playing the Dark Souls of factory games. May god have mercy on your soul.
Oh, and we’re actually adding Big Head mode to Techtonica. April Fools, it’s real.
New Game Maps
We’re adding two new maps to Techtonica; the Mountain King Underhill map and the Faithless Void.
The Mountain King Underhill is a brand new, handcrafted map with massive underground caverns and spread out resources. There is no scanning for unlocks in this map – all tech is unlocked and just requires cores to achieve it.
The Faithless Void is a revamped version of the existing River Biome map you’ve all grown to love, with a few big differences. The biggest change? The lights are off.
We’ll dive deeper into the game modes and maps in a later post, but those are some of the highlights!
Settings Customization
We’ve added just under 100 customizable settings to modify the game experience or make your own version of Techtonica including but not by any means limited to:
- Infinite Ore
- Ignore Encumbrance
- Free Crafting
- Machine Statistic Parameters
- MOLE Heat
Yes, you read that correctly. You can now turn off ore depletion for veins, meaning you’ll never have to move a mining drill again! There are millions of combinations of game settings, giving you a new experience every time you open Techtonica. Endless replayability? Check.
Opening Cutscene
We’ve added a swanky new opening cutscene to Techtonica! We’ll let you figure out what it means…
Bug Fixes and additional optimization
We’re chugging along with a whole slew of bug fixes and performance upgrades for v0.4.
Some other stuff for v0.4 that isn’t mentioned…
We’re adding incinerator recipes to smelters and a new fuel type! Regular smelters will be able to incinerate Gravel and Quicklime into Carbon Powder. Blast Smelters will be able to incinerate all machines into Carbon Powder. And both can incinerate Carbon Powder into… less Carbon Powder. You asked, we delivered.
Biobrick Diesel is a new, supercharged fuel with an interesting automation loop. We’ll give ya more details on that soon!
Laser Games, what’s that?
There will be games that involve lasers. We’ll let you speculate on what that means, for now hehe.
What happened to Take Flight?
As we’ve said before, the roadmap is a living object subject to change. As we’ve chugged along through Early Access development of Techtonica, we’ve shifted some timelines for adding things to the game and made changes based on community feedback.
A lot of the items for Super Sandbox were tools being added for future updates, and we realized we could make those public for players to have! We’ve also had a lot of requests for a sandbox mode and wanted to honor that as well. Adding replayability to Techtonica is really important for existing fans and new ones.
The items in Take Flight haven’t been removed from development, either. We shifted that update further down the line as the schedule works better for internal development. So you’ll still be getting the same content (actually, more content), just in a different timeline!
That’s it for this week’s update! We’ll also be launching the Public Test Cave version of v0.4 soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Want to chat about all the upcoming changes? Join our Discord!
See you next week!