Last seen: Aug 12, 2023
Also a general request on the Monorail Tracks would be to have finer rotation options for the pillar, e.g. 45° degree wise at least to have at least d...
@rockstar If you not have a real answer or alternative solution or suggestion but simply a remark or comment you can add a comment directly below the ...
@xeximar Sometimes it helps when you aim at the cross-section and press "R" to rotate it. Sometimes a splitter appears. But all in all the Splitters a...
And a quicksave with hotkey please (cannot be F5 though ^^) but maybe CTRL-S or something. Or ALT-S for quicksave and CTRL-S for the save file dialog ...
And please also an option to tell it to not change height while placing, e.g. pressing "SHIFT" or "CONTROL" during placement so it not adjust the heig...
Confirmed. I seen it too. I managed to dig it out somehow on the side. It looks like a ghosted power floor. "Inspect" appear but nothing happens with ...
Without spoiling too much but there are more sources of atlantum ore (with mining charges). I know of 2 distinctive spots (each with 2 deposits) for ...